Gentle guidance, powerful support.
Hello! I’m Kaila (pronounced like Kayla). I’m honored that you are taking a little time to get to know me.
My mission as a doula is for each woman I serve to leave her birth experience feeling empowered, honored, and in awe of her body.
I am captivated by both the science and the beauty of birth. I see labor and birth as a beautiful rite of passage through which a woman becomes a mother. Labor is a sacred, vulnerable space - a unique and profound experience that changes a person. This experience will play through a mother’s mind over and over throughout her life. The narrative each of my clients will tell herself and others about her birth experience matters to me. I became a doula to help more women look back on labor and delivery with satisfaction and joy.
As a trained doula, I help each client create a birth story that will inspire her throughout her life. I want her to feel like a superhero as she births her baby and becomes a mother.
Every birth is unique, and I am here to support, to educate, and to celebrate with you as you welcome a new life into your world, however you decide to do it.
I can’t wait to meet you and your baby!
You know your body and your baby best. You deserve to be heard, respected, and in-control of your decisions as you give birth. I have no interest in persuading you to make certain decisions or directing your birth. Rather, I intuitively follow my clients’ lead, stepping in to help as needed and honoring their autonomy and capacity to make the best decisions for themselves and their baby.
We might be a good fit if you are looking for a doula who will help you feel confident taking the reigns in your birth experience. I will be in the sidelines supporting you, encouraging you, and increasing your comfort, but you will run the show. This once-in-a-lifetime experience belongs to you, and I am here to help you step into your power and claim complete authority over your body and your birth choices.
I hope your birth experience teaches you that you are strong, powerful, and capable beyond anything you ever expected.